Building Sexual Confidence in the Bedroom
You're in the bedroom with your partner, and things are heating up. You want to be confident and enjoy yourself, but something is holding you back. Maybe you're not quite sure what you're doing. Maybe you're worried about what your partner will think of you.
No matter what's stopping you, don't worry; TEMPT.VIP are here to help. A lack of sexual confidence can really hold you back in the bedroom, so it's important to do whatever you can to overcome it.
This article will explore some of the best techniques for building sexual confidence and common issues that can impact sexual confidence. Let's dive right in. Shall we?
The Benefits of Sexual Confidence in the bedroom
Sexual confidence comes from feeling good about your body and your abilities in bed. It's not just about the sex itself but also about being and feeling at ease with yourself and your partner/s.
When you're sexually confident, the bedroom is your playground. You're open to trying new things, and you're not afraid to let loose and have fun. You know what you like, and you're not afraid to ask for it.
Plus, when you're sexually confident, it shows. You exude an air of sensuality and empowerment that just can't be faked. Your partner can feel it, too, and that's a big turn-on.
So, just what are these steps to building sexual confidence in the bedroom? Here’s Seven!
1. Define What Confidence Means to You
Sexual confidence can mean different things to different people. For some, it might mean being at ease with their body and being uninhibited in their sexual expression. For others, it might be more about knowing what they want in bed and feeling comfortable asking for it.
When you understand what confidence means to you, you're more likely to enjoy yourself and give your partner the pleasure they deserve.
2. Get Comfortable With Your Body and How It Looks
We know we are our own harshest critics and it can be so easy to focus on the parts you don't like, but try to focus on the parts you love. What makes you feel good? What are your erogenous zones? What turns you on?
One way to do this is to spend some time exploring your body solo. Get to know every inch of it and what feels good. Touch yourself in different ways, experiment with different kinds of stimulation, and explore different kinds of sex. The more you learn about yourself and what gets you off, the more confident you'll feel in the bedroom.
This will not only help you get to know your body better, but it'll also help you feel more comfortable with it.
And when you're comfortable with your body, that confidence will shine through in the bedroom.
3. Talk About Sex With Your Partner
Que: Salt N Pepa “Let’s talk about sex”.
Talking about sex is a crucial step in building sexual confidence. It might feel awkward initially, but it's a necessary step in getting to know your partner on a deeper level.
When you talk about sex, you learn what turns your partner on, what fantasies they have, and what makes them feel good. This type of communication helps to build trust and intimacy in the bedroom.
It also helps to break down any barriers or stigmas that might be preventing you from fully enjoying yourselves and the confidence in your abilities to satisfy your partner.
4. Learn as Much as You Can About Sex
Discovering, experimenting, and exploring your sexuality is a great way to build sexual confidence because it opens a new realm of different areas of your sexuality that you may not have otherwise known.
There's no need to become an expert, but understanding the basics will help you feel more confident in bed. Learn about different sex toys and styles through exploring.
And if you're worried about not being good at something new, remember that practice makes perfect.
5. Be Present and in the Moment During Sex
Remember that your partner is with you because they want to be with you and they find you attractive. So, try to relax and be present in the moment. Take some deep breaths and focus on the physical sensations you’re feeling. This will help you get out of your head and into your body, which is where sexual confidence comes from.
If your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to the present moment. And if you find yourself getting lost in thought, don’t worry. It’s normal for your mind to wander during sex. Just try not to focus on any negative thoughts or judgments you might have about yourself. Instead, focus on the pleasure you’re experiencing and the connection you feel with your partner.
6. Own your sexuality.
One of the biggest things you can do to build sexual confidence is to own your sexuality. What does that mean, exactly? It means being comfortable with your body and desires and not being afraid to express them.
It also means being honest with yourself about what turns you on and communicating that to your partner. Too often, we're afraid to speak up about what we want in bed for fear of sounding weird or kinky.
But the truth is, most people want to please their partner in bed, and chances are, your partner would be more than happy to accommodate your needs if they knew what they were. So don't be afraid to speak up!
Be open about what you like, and don't be afraid to ask for what you want. Your partner will appreciate it, and you'll be one step closer to having the confident, fulfilling sex life you want.
If you're not sure how to start the conversation, try saying something like, "I really love it when you do X, could you do that more often?" or "I've always wanted to try X, is that something you're open to?"
7. Get Rid of Any Negative Beliefs You Have About Sex
If you want to be sexually confident, you need to eliminate any negative beliefs about sex. This means ridding yourself of any shame, guilt, or embarrassment you might feel about sex. It might also mean working through past trauma or challenges you’ve faced in your sexual life.
A lot of people have negative beliefs about sex because of the way they were raised or the messages they received from society growing up. Some people were taught that sex is dirty or that it's only for procreation.
Whatever the case, it's important to recognize that these beliefs are not true. Sex is a natural and beautiful part of life that everyone should enjoy. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.
If you’ve been raised with any shame around sex, it’s time to let that go. Remember, changing your beliefs is a process. It might take some time, but it's worth it if it means becoming more sexually confident in the bedroom.
So There You Have It!
Remember that building your sexual confidence in the bedroom is a process, and it might take some time to get to where you want to be. But just like with anything else, practice makes perfect. So keep at it, and soon enough, you'll be a Sexual Confidence Master!